Immigration Legal Services
Our low-cost immigration legal services help eligible individuals navigate the complexities of obtaining lawful status in the United States. Our team consists of a Managing Attorney and several Department of Justice accredited representatives.
Consultations cannot be scheduled in person. To schedule a consultation, complete this form or call (916) 313-7604 on Mondays between 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. If we don’t answer, please leave a voicemail with your name, phone number and the type of assistance needed. If you don’t leave a voicemail, we can’t return your call.
We have a limited number of consultations available. If we can’t schedule you, please try calling again the following Monday.
Please note: Due to overwhelming demand, submitting the Request for Consultation form or leaving a voicemail requesting a consultation does not guarantee you’ll be scheduled.
Services We Offer
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) (I-821D) – Renewals Only
Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card (I-90)
Application for Employment Authorization (I-765)
Application for Naturalization (N-400)
Application for Certificate of Citizenship (N-600)
Application for Replacement of Naturalization/Citizenship Certificate (N-600)
Petition for Alien Relative (I-130)
Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjustment of Status (I-485)
Petition for U Nonimmigrant Status (U Visas) (I-918)
Petition under Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) (I-360)
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence (I-751)
Application for Travel Document for DACA (I-131)
Application for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) (I-821)
Application for Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver (I-601A)
Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (I-360)
Consular Processing
Representation in Immigration Court for Children
Services Not Offered
Representation in Immigration Court for Adults
Affirmative Asylum Applications
Student Visas
Religious Visas
Visitor Visas
Employment Based Applications
Name Changes on Certificates
Please email our Immigration Legal Services team at immigration@sacramentofoodbank.org.
Protect Yourself from Notario Fraud
Please watch this video from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to learn about the dangers of notario fraud.