Hunger in Sacramento County
Despite being America’s Farm-to-Fork Capital, Sacramento County’s food insecurity numbers are higher than state and national averages. With over 448,000 community members living below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, more than 1 in 4 of our neighbors in Sacramento County are at risk of hunger*.
At this rate, you likely know someone who’s experienced hunger. There are people struggling to put food on the table who live in the apartments and houses we pass by daily and work in the businesses we frequent. They’re parents holding down multiple jobs, workers living paycheck to paycheck, college students paying their way through school and seniors on fixed incomes. Hunger is such a widespread issue that it affects all groups of people regardless of education level, employment status, age, race and religion.
Ages of Those We Serve
For some, hunger is a temporary challenge, while for others, it’s an ongoing struggle. Either way, it’s a product of poverty and often means having to make impossible decisions between paying for groceries and other necessities, such as utilities, rent or mortgage, transportation, medication and education. Food is often the first thing that’s cut, making hunger difficult to escape.
By educating the public about hunger in Sacramento County, we can reduce the stigma that food insecure households face and make it easier for community members to ask for help from our network of community partners.
*We calculate how many people are at risk of hunger using the number of people living at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. At that income level, families are eligible for some public assistance programs, like CalFresh.
For a family of four, 200% of the Federal Poverty Level means having an annual income of no more than $62,400. At this income level, families often lack the resources to provide themselves with enough to eat and are therefore considered to be food insecure.
Ready to make a difference?
We depend on the generosity of people like you to provide food to our neighbors in need throughout Sacramento County. Every dollar you give can help us provide three meals.